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suzhou, BJ, China — Sunrise, Sunset, and Moon Times for Today

Moon: 37.2%
Waxing Crescent
Current Time: Aug 23, 2023 at 11:50:30 am
Sunrise Today: 5:33 am 74° East
Sunset Today: 7:00 pm 286° West
Moonrise Today: 12:00 noon 114° Southeast
Moonset Today: 10:06 pm 244° Southwest
Daylight Hours: 13 hours, 27 minutes (-2m 24s)
Location of suzhouLocation

Today's Sun Position in suzhou

Time: 11:50 am
Altitude: 61.0°
Direction: 166° S
Phase: Daylight

Day length today: 13h 27m 28s (Aug 23, 2023)

2 minutes, 24 seconds shorter than yesterday (Aug 22, 2023)

4 hours, 7 minutes longer than winter solstice (Dec 22, 2022)

1 hour, 32 minutes shorter than summer solstice (Jun 21, 2023)

Night, Twilight, and Daylight Times in suzhou Today

12 am
2 am
4 am
6 am
8 am
10 am
12 pm
2 pm
4 pm
6 pm
8 pm
10 pm
Night 12:00 am – 3:54 am
Astro. Twilight 3:54 am – 4:30 am
Nautical Twilight 4:30 am – 5:04 am
Civil Twilight 5:04 am – 5:33 am
Daylight 5:33 am – 7:00 pm
Civil Twilight 7:00 pm – 7:28 pm
Nautical Twilight 7:28 pm – 8:03 pm
Astro. Twilight 8:03 pm – 8:38 pm
Night 8:38 pm – 11:59 pm

Sun in suzhou - Next 7 Days

Scroll right to see more
2023 Sunrise/Sunset Daylength Solar Noon
Aug Sunrise Sunset Length Diff. Time Mil. km
Aug 23 5:33 am 7:00 pm 13:27:28 −2:24 12:17 pm (61.6°) 151.302
Aug 24 5:34 am 6:59 pm 13:25:03 −2:25 12:16 pm (61.3°) 151.269
Aug 25 5:35 am 6:57 pm 13:22:37 −2:25 12:16 pm (60.9°) 151.236
Aug 26 5:35 am 6:56 pm 13:20:10 −2:26 12:16 pm (60.6°) 151.203
Aug 27 5:36 am 6:54 pm 13:17:43 −2:27 12:16 pm (60.3°) 151.169
Aug 28 5:37 am 6:53 pm 13:15:15 −2:27 12:15 pm (59.9°) 151.135
Aug 29 5:38 am 6:51 pm 13:12:47 −2:28 12:15 pm (59.6°) 151.101
* All times are local time for suzhou. They take into account refraction. Dates are based on the Gregorian calendar.

See full month's Sun

Today's Moon in suzhou

Year 2023 Moon Phases

Moon in suzhou - Next 7 days

Scroll right to see more
2023 Moonrise/Moonset Meridian Passing
Aug Moonrise Moonset Moonrise Time Distance (km) Illumination
Aug 23 12:00 pm 10:06 pm - 5:07 pm (30.4°) 389,119 39.4%
Aug 24 1:09 pm 10:39 pm - 5:57 pm (26.1°) 383,482 50.1%
Aug 25 2:19 pm 11:22 pm - 6:53 pm (22.8°) 377,431 61.2%
Aug 26 3:28 pm - - 7:53 pm (21.2°) 371,355 72.2%
Aug 27 - 12:17 am 4:31 pm 8:56 pm (21.6°) 365,759 82.2%
Aug 28 - 1:24 am 5:25 pm 10:00 pm (24.0°) 361,204 90.7%
Aug 29 - 2:41 am 6:09 pm 11:01 pm (28.4°) 358,219 96.7%
* All times are local time for suzhou. They take into account refraction. Dates are based on the Gregorian calendar. Illumination is calculated at lunar noon.

See full month's Moon

Planets Visible in the Sky in suzhou This Coming Night

  Planetrise/Planetset, Wed, Aug 23, 2023
Planet Rise Set Meridian Comment
Mercury Wed 7:32 am Wed 7:33 pm Wed 1:33 pm Difficult to see
Venus Wed 4:39 am Wed 5:40 pm Wed 11:10 am Fairly good visibility
Mars Wed 7:51 am Wed 8:08 pm Wed 2:00 pm Slightly difficult to see
Jupiter Tue 10:09 pm Wed 11:58 am Wed 5:03 am Perfect visibility
Saturn Wed 7:11 pm Thu 5:56 am Thu 12:34 am Perfect visibility
Uranus Tue 10:27 pm Wed 12:39 pm Wed 5:33 am Average visibility
Neptune Wed 8:04 pm Thu 7:52 am Thu 1:58 am Difficult to see
* All times are local time for suzhou.

More about the planets visible in the night sky in suzhou