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On this day in history - Today, September, 23

Today in History

  • 1965 The Indo-Pakistani War comes to an end after a UN-mandated ceasefire

    Also known as the Second Kashmiri War, the war was fought between India and Pakistan over the disput

  • 1952 Nixon Makes his Checkers Speech

    The televised speech was made by then-Vice Presidential candidate Richard Nixon as a response to acc

  • 1932 The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is Founded

    The Middle Eastern country was created by merging the kingdoms of Hejaz and Nejd by Ibn Saud, the k

  • 1909 Phantom of the Opera makes its Literary Debut

    The novel about a disfigured musical genius was written by French writer Gaston Leroux. It was first

  • 1889 Nintendo is Founded

    The Japanese gaming company was created by entrepreneur Fusajiro Yamauchi as a card company called N

Illustration of stork, signifying birth

Births On This Day,
September, 23

  • 1949 Bruce Springsteen

    American singer-songwriter, guitarist

  • 1930 Ray Charles

    American singer-songwriter, pianist, actor

  • 1926 John Coltrane

    American saxophonist, composer

  • 1215 Kublai Khan

    Mongolian Emperor

  • 63 Augustus

    Roman Emperor

Illustration of tombstone, signifying death

Deaths On This Day,
September, 23

  • 1994 Robert Bloch

    American author

  • 1988 Tibor Sekelj

    Hungarian explorer, author

  • 1973 Pablo Neruda

    Chilean poet, Nobel Prize laureate

  • 1968 Pio of Pietrelcina

    Italian priest, saint

  • 1939 Sigmund Freud

    Austrian neurologist