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Moon Distances for Beijing, China – Beijing Municipality

The Moon Distance Calculator calculates the approximate minumum and maximum distances from the Moon to the Earth.

The Moon's distance to Earth varies. The two extreme points of the Moon’s orbit each month are known as the lunar perigee and apogee. The table below shows the time of lunar perigee and apogee.

Closest Approach (Perigee)

Date Local Time Distance in km Distance in miles
Jan 22 4:56 am 356,569 km 221,562 mi
Feb 19 5:05 pm 358,267 km 222,617 mi
Mar 19 11:12 pm 362,696 km 225,369 mi
Apr 16 10:23 am 367,968 km 228,645 mi
May 11 1:05 pm 369,343 km 229,499 mi
Jun 7 7:06 am 364,861 km 226,714 mi
Jul 5 6:24 am 360,149 km 223,786 mi
Aug 2 1:52 pm 357,311 km 222,022 mi
Aug 30 11:54 pm 357,181 km 221,942 mi
Sep 28 8:59 am 359,911 km 223,639 mi
Oct 26 11:02 am 364,872 km 226,721 mi
Nov 22 5:01 am 369,818 km 229,795 mi
Dec 17 2:52 am 367,901 km 228,603 mi
* Distances are approximate. Closest Approach (Perigee) is highlighted.

Furthest Apart (Apogee)

Date Local Time Distance in km Distance in miles
Jan 8 5:19 pm 406,458 km 252,561 mi
Feb 4 4:54 pm 406,476 km 252,573 mi
Mar 4 2:00 am 405,889 km 252,207 mi
Mar 31 7:16 pm 404,919 km 251,605 mi
Apr 28 2:43 pm 404,299 km 251,220 mi
May 26 9:39 am 404,509 km 251,350 mi
Jun 23 2:30 am 405,385 km 251,895 mi
Jul 20 2:56 pm 406,289 km 252,456 mi
Aug 16 7:54 pm 406,634 km 252,671 mi
Sep 12 11:42 pm 406,291 km 252,457 mi
Oct 10 11:41 am 405,426 km 251,920 mi
Nov 7 5:48 am 404,569 km 251,388 mi
Dec 5 2:41 am 404,346 km 251,249 mi
* Distances are approximate. Furthest Apart (Apogee) is highlighted.



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