Use the Week Number Calculator to find the week
number for a specific date, or to find which 7 dates are included in a numbered week.
The results from the Week Number Calculator vary according to your country settings because
different countries use different rules for calculating week numbers. Change country settings: My Units – Site Customization
FAQ: How Does the Week Number Calculator Work?
Is Sunday or Monday the first day of the week?
According to International Standard ISO 8601, Monday is the first day of the week.
However, several countries, including the United States, Canada, and Australia, do not follow this standard and
usually use Sunday as the first day of the week on their calendars.
To change which day is counted as the first of the week, click Expand for
More Options and make your selection in the drop-down menu below
First day of week:
Is the US week not a standard week?
According to International Standard ISO 8601, Monday is the first day of the week.
However, several countries, including the United States, Canada, and Australia, do not follow this standard and use
Sunday as the first day of the week on their calendars.
What is ISO 8601?
The International Standard ISO 8601 is the most common week numbering system in the
world, where Monday is the first day of the
week followed by Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and with Sunday as the seventh and final day. Using
ISO 8601 can help diminish uncertainty and confusion when communicating
How do I set the calculator to ISO 8601?
To force the results to be presented in the ISO 8601 format, click
Expand for More Options, and choose the following settings:
- Week Year Start Month:
- Week Year Start Date:
- When does week 1 start:
Week 1 has at least 4 days on/after
start date
- First day of week:
Where can I find more information about the site and its services?
The General FAQ Page answers your questions
about, our services, site-wide settings, customization options,
advertising opportunities, and copyright policies.
Create Calendar With Holidays